Homeschool Programs for Preschool through Elementary Grades

homeschool child

When looking at homeschool programs for younger children, you will have many books and resources to choose from. It can be difficult to know exactly what to buy and use. Hopefully this site will give you the resources you need to be able to choose exactly what your child will need to make this a successful homeschool year.

Toddlers - What do you do with toddlers when you are trying to teach older children? Should I use a curriculum for my toddler? What should I be teaching my toddler? Get answers to all these questions at homeschooling with toddlers. Toddlers are such interesting little people and they can learn a lot of things even at their age.

Preschool - Should I get a curriculum for my preschooler? What should my preschooler be learning? Should I send them to preschool or keep them at home? Check out homeschool preschool and be sure to download your copy of 101 Activities Parents Can Do With Their Preschool Child at preschool ideas.

Kindergarten - How do I homeschool Kindergarten? Should I use a curriculum? What should we do all day? How much time should I spend homeschooling my Kindergartener? Knowing how to homeschool Kindergarten is not rocket science. Find out how to homeschool kindergarten with a low stress, high results approach.

Teaching Multiple Grades - If you just have one child at home, finding time to get everything done is hard enough. When you are teaching multiple grades, things can get pretty intense. Teaching multiple grades doesn’t need to be difficult if you know how to combine subjects and streamline your homeschool day.

homeschool programs

Homeschool Programs for Older Students

Sibling Rivalry - Many times the worst part of having children is dealing with sibling rivalry and fighting. Homeschool sibling rivalry CAN be kept to a minimum. Apply the strategies at homeschool sibling rivalry and get some peace back in your home.

Famous Homeschoolers - Here’s a good list of famous homeschoolers. Sometimes it is encouraging to see a list of famous homeschoolers so that you can realize that others have gone before you and been successful.

My Favorite Homeschool Resources - As a veteran homeschool Mom, I have collected a few favorites along the way. Here is my personal list of favorite homeschool resources that I use all the time. I hope it is helpful to you.

When looking at homeschool programs, be sure to look at your child first and find a program that will fit your child rather than finding a curriculum and trying to fit your child into it. You will save yourself years of frustration if you do this first.

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