Homeschooling High School

Homeschooling High School doesn't have to be an intimidating process for you. There are so many great resources and people out there that you don't have to feel alone or fearful about High School. Here is an article to give you some more information with my comments at the end.

Homeschooling High School - Which Curriculum is Right For Your Child? by Don Rodriguez

homeschooling high school

Now that you have decided to home school your child, you face the daunting task of deciding which high school curriculum you will adopt to enhance your child's final years of pre-college study. This is a critical task given the competitive nature of college admissions and especially scholarships and grants. And if your child is not going on to college, you need to think about adding some type of a vocational component to your curriculum.

Your decision is not an easy one. There are a variety of curriculum focuses. One website reviewed by this author listed 26! There are: Montessori, religion based, classical, unit studies, Waldorf, Sonlight, and many others. You need to consider also whether you will want secular or religious-based education for your child. Of course, this process can be short circuited by selecting a homeschooling high school which suits your needs.

Once you have worked through the above considerations, you need to decide whether you should acquire your curriculum from a school supplies store or sign up for a school and acquire your school materials from that school. If you choose the first, you will need to make all the decisions as to which textbooks you will use and then order them. If you opt for the latter, then by choosing a particular school you choose the curriculum offered by that school. However, the school will provide you with many more services and resources other than curriculum which presents significant reasons for deciding in favor of a school from which to obtain your curriculum. So how do you decide?

high school homeschool

Choosing to follow a religion-based curriculum will narrow your choices considerably and then you need only to choose the school which reflects your religious outlook. Going secular, though, will require several additional steps. You might want to review some of the parents' forums and read the pros and cons of some of the more popular curriculum. You might also consult with certified teachers and education officials in your area. And of course, you should surf the Internet where you can test drive many of the available curriculum.

Deciding which curriculum is best for your homeschooling high school curriculum is a critical task. This article can help ease the burden of your decision making process.

If you would like more information about homeschool lesson plans [] as well as general information on homeschooling, please visit [] These websites are no longer active, but I am required to list them here.

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My Comments: Relax, homeschooling High School really isn't as hard as you might think! Yes, there are curriculum packages out there, but you don't necessarily have to use them to have a productive year.

Basically, you need to assess what your child wants to pursue after High School. Does he/she want to be an auto mechanic, doctor, teacher, dress designer, insurance salesman, or something else. If your child has an idea of what they want to do after High School, then you will have a little bit easier time deciding what to teach when you are homeschooling High School.

If your child has no idea what he/she wants to do after high school, then I would suggest a college prep course of study. That way if they decide not to go to college they were still prepared. If they decide in their senior year that they do want to go to college, then you are not scrambling to meet the requirements for college entrance.

Look over the subjects that you will need to teach - English, History, Science, Bible, Math, Writing, Fine Arts, PE, etc. Don't try to take them all on at once. Focus on deciding what you will use for your child one subject at a time. Look over math resources and decide that. Then look over English resources and decide what you will use for that. Just take it one step at a time.

Find out what your state High School graduation requirements are and look over some college entrance requirements. The best form I have found for High School planning is this form at Oklahoma Homeschool. It helped me tremendously by giving me ideas and a simple form to fill in. I look over this several times a year and know that I am doing exactly what I need to be doing.

Once you have your requirements and know what subjects you want your child to complete, you can choose books and resources and get started.

If the idea of sending them off to a college doesn't sound right to you or them, then you can help them pursue getting a college degree from home. There is a very reputable program that guides you through the whole process of how to homeschool college.

Remember that your child is responsible for their homeschooling High School education. They need to be almost completely self-taught. They need to spend the time and learn the material, not you. Spoon feeding is over! Give them their books and help them set goals for each quarter and be available if they need help. You do NOT have to know what they are learning and teach it back to them! They can do it!

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