by Karen
(Bushland, Tx, Potter)
Hello, Love your website.....Thank you!!!!!!
I need help with History and Science. My daughter is tenth grade. I need help with World History options. I am looking for curriculum that has the book and DVD or CD lessons that read it for her. Ideas? We have in the passed used Bob Jones, Abeka, and Connections Academy.
Also, Science with same concept? for Physical Science. She took Biology 9th grade. Ideas?
Why are we starting late? She was in an accident in July. She has been in recovery! Thanks for your help!
Bushland Texas (near Amarillo)
My Comments:
Hi Karen, I'm glad to hear that your daughter is recovering. We like the Apologia Science programs and I believe they have CDs available or support material with them. Here is some more information about them
It seems that Diana Waring has good World History programs with CDs too. You can check those out here . I hope those gave you some ideas to start.
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