Math test scores low

by Suzanne Miller
(armagh, PA)

My son was put in 6 th grade when his test scores showed he was 7 th grade. They put him in 6th because his math scores were low. He was in 7th grade this year he made good grades (A's) but still struggles with math. He is embarrassed to be a year behind. Can he do 8th & 9th grade to get caught up? He has been teased in his Christian school.

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Sep 02, 2014
My comments
by: Heidi

I'm assuming your son is in school and not homeschooled. I would appeal to the school to see if they can put him in 7th grade with the promise that you will work with him at home to improve his test scores. It seems silly to keep him behind a grade unless he failed too many of his classes.

There are plenty of great programs you can use with him at home in the evenings for even a 1/2 hour a day that can help him improve if you are consistent. Flash cards are good. You can play games to improve math scores too. This is a great game to help with multiplication that is fun for boys -

Let me know if you need any other ideas.

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