How Home Based Business Moms Can Be Successful!

We, as home based business moms, have a lot of hats to wear. Not only do we have to maintain a house and be sure that everyone gets to where they need to be, but we add in the home business aspect too.

Whether you have a home business yet or not, basically you need to know whether you have a service or product oriented business. Both types of businesses are good. It just depends on what talents or abilities you have, the time you have available, and your family's needs.

Examples of product oriented businesses would involve selling a product. The product can be something that the mom created, or it can be something that they purchase and resell.

home based business moms
Some product oriented businesses could include:
  • Selling items at craft shows
  • Selling items on ebay
  • Running a party business like Avon, Tupperware, Pampered Chef, etc.
  • Turning in scrap metal or aluminum to a recycling center for money
  • Growing vegetables or flowers and reselling them
  • Making food or candy and selling it

Service businesses obviously involve some sort of service provided for the customer. These can be very unique and can vary depending on where you live and what season of the year it is.

Examples of service businesses include:

  • House cleaning
  • Organizing
  • Providing website services
  • Shoveling snow/raking leaves/yard work
  • Tutoring
  • Writing articles online
  • Maintaining a website or blog

What ideas have home based business moms used?

My business ventures over the years:

  • Purchasing books from thrift stores or garage sales and selling them on or ebay.
  • Sewing pillows and window treatments for various decorators.
  • LOTS of multi level marketing companies, all with great products, just difficult business models for me to implement.
  • Maintaining a website and blog and trying to make an income from the advertising on the sites.
  • Writing ebooks about various subjects like homeschooling and cooking and trying to sell them on the Internet.

My dream for many years as a member of the home based business moms has been to help everyone be able to be home based business moms. I love being at home and working at home and want for everyone to be able to have the choice to be at home with their family and yet be able to contribute to the family budget if they would like to. Since everyone is different, one business probably is not for everyone.

What I Recommend Now:

These are the 2 home based business moms business models that I have found to be most profitable. The major effort is put forth at the beginning (maybe for a year or more) and then the residual income takes over.

The first business that you can do is to write about what you love with a website or blog on the Internet. The best guided program that I have found is SBI (Solo Build It). SBI helps you build a website and business, not just a blog like some free programs out there.

This business model takes a good deal of writing and time, although if you are writing about something you love, this can make the job a lot easier. If you use SBI, I recommend getting the coaching program if you can afford it. It will give you the best and fastest start and could save you from making lots of mistakes like I did.

This type of business can take several years of work before you see much of a profit, so if you need to earn money right away or don't have much time to devote to writing, then this method might be frustrating to you.

The second business that I found actually came after completely swearing off network marketing since they had been such a flop for me even after trying 18 different ones.

I enjoyed helping people improve their health, but just couldn't find anything that could help me be successful at the same time. That all changed about 2 years ago for me.

The first step with any business like this is to use it yourself first. I had no intention of doing a business with essential oils, but once we started applying them and saw how well they work for little ones all the way through older adults, we couldn't keep ourselves from telling others our stories. I'm also able to show people how to save money and get the oils at a reduced cost.

When you find something that is this effective, you can't help but be able to build a good business and join the force of home based business moms. People want to hear about effective health programs that can help them avoid pain, drop their pharmaceuticals and gain better health.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions and I will answer all your questions about how you might be able to use this system too. I have a free business coaching program available for those that wish to join me on this journey where I have earned more money than ever.

You can find more home business information at Homeschool Home Business where I have written more ideas and share more about what we use.

Whether you are already part of the home based business moms or are looking to find a way to earn money from home, I'm here to help you in any way I can. I love it when people find their niche and can be home with their children and still earn a full or part time income.