by Traci Best
(Indianapolis, In)
What a wondrous thing appeared in my mailbox recently! I had never before heard of Nature Friend magazine until I received TWO issues to review for the TOS Homeschool Crew this fall! What an amazing publication!
The first thing that strikes me about it is that it is printed on very high quality paper in incredible full color. There is nothing blase about this magazine! It is FULL of nature, information and material to use every single month for homeschool or just for anyone who is in love with the knowledge of nature! Particularly inviting is the addition of the Study Guide which is an option in this monthly publication.
Nature Friend magazine has many subscription options you can choose from on their subscription page. A standard one-year subscription is $36 for the magazine. The study guide, if selected, is included in the center of each issue...for an additional $24...bringing the total for 12 issues to $60. It is a bit of an investment, ($5/issue is pretty average though!) but you will reap rewards from this gem every single month when it arrives. Children (and Moms & Dads!) are drawn to it like moths to a flame. What a wonderful gift this would be for ANY family! I hope you enjoy experiencing this incredible publication as much as I have!
My comments: Here was my review of this magazine too as I am also a member of the TOS homeschool crew.