How to Start Home Schooling

how to start homeschooling

Many parents want to know how to start home schooling. Here are the best ways to get started:

1. Become a student - Start watching your child/children. How do they play, what do they enjoy doing, how do they spend their free time? This will help you when determining their learning style and when choosing books or curriculum for them to use for homeschooling.

You should also start paying attention to your personal style. Are you a laid back person or do you need to have everything in order all the time? Do you enjoy a structured or unstructured schedule?

Also make sure you read lots of books about homeschooling. Here are my favorite books and resources.

2. Get connected with other successful homeschoolers if possible. If you can't find a good homeschool group in your area or if you find homeschoolers whose children you don't want your children to be like, then you can easily find support online. Although meeting real people in person is ideal, it is not essential if you have to compromise other values.

Homeschool groups provide support with curriculum choices, activites, and field trips. We have been able to take advantage of swim lessons and many group field trips over the years.

3. Pray! If you are not a Christian, then I guess this part doesn't apply to you. But if you are a Christian, then this will be the most important part of your homeschool day. God created you and your children and knows each of you better than anyone knows you. Take advantage of His expertise each day and ask for his help all the time. He's there for you!!

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