Homeschool Unit Study

What does it take to put together a homeschool unit study? Here is an article that might help you. My comments are at the bottom of this page. What Are Homeschool Unit Studies? by Jason Rodriguez.

homeschool unit study

Now that you have made the decision to homeschool your children, the next major question is which of the many teaching strategies do you use? This is a critical question because the success or failure of your homeschooling will depend in large part on the materials you select for your children's education. One approach to be considered is homeschool unit studies.

What are homeschool unit studies? Simply stated, homeschool unit studies allow teachers of homeschooling to build lessons around their child's interests. How exactly does this work?

Suppose your child expresses an interest in President Obama. You could formulate an arts class by having the student draw pictures of the president, perhaps even making a caricature of the president in which his ears are emphasized. A government class could then be taught pointing out the powers of the president and how they represent the concept of checks and balances in our constitutional framework in relation to the judiciary and the legislative branches of government.

But you need not stop there. The president's handling of the economy could be used as a teaching unit of economics or simple lessons in financial responsibility and the need for a balance between spending and saving and credit. You could also build a geography lesson around the president's heritage by tracing his travels from Hawaii to Indonesia and back to Hawaii and then to Los Angeles and on to Chicago and finally Washington, DC.

The president's budget could be the focus of a class in arithmetic, while one of his books could be used for reading classes. English classes could be designed around some of the president's speeches, including having the student to watch the delivery and listen to the enunciation, tone, and pitch of the president's delivery.

homeschool unit study

In addition, a biology class could be structured around all the news surrounding the president's selection of a dog for his girls. As can be gathered from these examples, the lessons opened up by homeschool unit studies are endless, limited only by the imagination and creativity of the teacher.

If you would like more information about college and the homeschool unit studies [] as well as general information on homeschooling, please visit [].These links don't work but I am required to include them here.

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My Comments: I'm not very creative, but the idea of a homeschool unit study is always a good idea in my opinion. I used Five in a Row when my girls were younger and we enjoyed that. It was nice to have a a plan to follow.

A homeschool unit study can last for an hour or several months and can be totally parent-led or student-led. I think sometimes children learn and retain the information better when they use a homeschool unit study.

Help with Unit Studies

Amanda Bennett is the queen of unit studies! Why reinvent the wheel when she has already done all the hard work for you? Here is a very SMALL sample of all the homeschool unit study curriculum packages that she has available:

1 year Download-N-Go

19 Download N Go units

Outdoor Fun Pack

Lewis & Clark/Prairie Pioneers

Expedition Fun Pack (7 units)

Foods Fun Pack (4 units)

If you have a unit study idea or a great story relating to unit studies, you can share it at my homeschool unit study page and possibly earn a free book in the process.