When thinking about attending a home schooling convention, I remember enjoying the convention hall and speakers the most. If you have never been to a homeschool convention before or want guidance if you have attended before, you can read this article and my comments at the end.
Home Schooling Convention - Why You Should Attend by Don Rodriguez
Are you a parent who home schools? Are you aware that each year a homeschooling convention is held in your state? Do you feel overwhelmed by the experience or have you been putting attending off because you just do not know how to navigate the experience? Have you for some reason avoided attending the convention? Well here are some reasons why you should start attending these events.
First of all, you should make a committed effort to attend your state's homeschooling convention each year. The convention is usually organized by an association or sometimes even by businesses that produce and sell materials for home schools. It really does not matter who sponsors the convention, the important thing is that you should attend.
This is because there are workshops that help you to make the most of your home school experience and which help you to explore ways of enhancing your child's learning experience. In addition, textbook providers and other merchants will be there with many of their products and services on display and you can give them a test drive and ask questions.
You also get to meet and interact with school officials and other parents and share best practices and even discover some things which have not worked. Another great benefit is being updated on changes that might be taking place in your state's laws and regulations which affect home schools.
Also, there are usually lots of freebies given away at these events in addition to the knowledge you receive. Additionally, you deserve to get away and renew your mind and energies. A homeschooling convention allows you to do just that so that you do not become a drone but remain fresh, creative, and interesting to your child. So put your fears and hesitations to the side and get ready for a thrilling event.
If you would like more information about homeschool lesson plans [http://homeschoolingbasics.info/homeschool-lesson-plans] as well as general information on homeschooling, please visit [http://homeschoolingbasics.info] These links are not active but I am required to include them here.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com
My Comments - What is included in a home schooling convention? Most have a vendor area where you can look over almost any type of curriculum that is printed. If your home schooling convention is large, then you might tend to get overwhelmed by this vendor hall, but there is no need to do that. You don't have to look at everything, just the items that interest you.
Some vendor halls also include a used curriculum vendor or discontinued items at each vendor booth. Many vendors give out free items to give you a sample of their product or just to entice you to take a look at what they have to offer.
Any good home schooling convention will also have workshops. Usually, if the people organizing the convention have done their job, these will be quality speakers. It's very interesting to listen to what these vendor speakers and workshop speakers have to say.
The speakers can give you a fresh perspective on homeschooling, give you ideas if you are stuck in a rut, or introduce you to a new way to teach your children.
My only caution with conventions is that you be careful that you don't get caught up in the moment and buy a bunch of things that you will later regret. Make sure you either have a budget that you stick to or that you walk away for a while and think about whether this purchase is truly necessary.
If you are a Christian, make sure you pray about what you should purchase at a convention. You may think that a curriculum or resource is wonderful when the vendor or speaker talks about it, but it may not fit your child's learning style or fit in with your teaching style.
With that being said, conventions can be great places to get renewed in your vision of homeschooling. You can gain new energy and resolve to do your best in teaching and learning with your children.
Finding a Homeschool Convention near you....
Go to the Sonlight website and click on "Help and Support" and choose "homeschool conventions" from the drop-down menu. This will give you a complete listing of all the major homeschool conventions that are available all across the country.