Free Homeschool Curriculum - Save Money on Homeschooling
While everyone would love to receive free homeschool curriculum in the mail, that is usually not possible without a little time invested. This page will give you some ideas and resources that can be used to help find free or low cost materials.
Places to Find Free Homeschool Curriculum and Materials:
- Library - The most obvious choice in obtaining free materials is to use your local library. Many libraries are now online and you allow you to search and order books online and pick them up close to home. I've compiled a reading list of good picture books you can use for preschool through elementary for History and Science. Many of these can be found at libraries.
- Trading with other homeschoolers - If you belong to a homeschool group or know other like-minded homeschoolers who are using similar materials, strike up a trade with them. That way both of you are only purchasing 1 years worth of material and getting 2 years worth out of it.
- - Although you probably won't get a full curriculum package given to you by someone else, you can join your local freecycle list and post that you need some homeschool resources for free. You can also declutter your house and pass along items you no longer use for free to others.
- - If you live in a more populated area where craigslist is popular, you can often find people offering materials that can be used for homeschooling for free or for a low cost.
- Project Gutenberg - This is a site that has loaded many books whose copyright dates have expired. The site is free to use and you can download hundreds of ebooks from here.
- Old Fashioned - If you are overwhelmed by all the free books out there and want a written plan of what "living books" to read when, then this site is for you. Miss Maggie has broken down the books to read by grade and subject and uses a Charlotte Mason approach.
- is another site that gives you book lists that correspond to the Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling. Although not all the books here are free, you get a free booklist and weekly schedule here with links to where you can download many of the books for free.
- Library of Congress - free government resources for families.
- NASA photos - free use of 9000 NASA photos
I'm sure there are many other resources for free homeschool curriculum that I have not mentioned here. I have also found free or inexpensive items at garage sales and thrift stores that can be used for homeschooling. I hope these resources have been helpful to you. I believe that lack of money should never keep you from homeschooling. I actually believe that everyone can homeschool for free or almost free if they choose to do so.