Free Home School Websites and Resources to Use

If you're looking for free home school websites, you can definitely find them. The problem, most of the time, is that you find too many!

Here are some of my favorite Internet Resources:


Phonics, Reading, Spelling and Grammar Helps - The name of this site is misleading,Gameaquarium, because this site is not just fun and games. There are many free home school resources here that parents can print off and use to teach reading to their children. There are online games to play, but plenty of good content for reading instruction. They also have games and printables for sentence structure, punctuation, spelling, vocabulary, and parts of speech. Gamequarium Language Arts


Free Spelling Program Online - This site is called “Look, Cover, Write, Check”. You can choose from a wide variety of spelling families. The child is shown the word. The word is then covered. The child types the word and then clicks on “check” to see if they spelled it correctly. There are 8 words in each set. Great spelling resource! Spelling Help


Cool Math for Kids (and teachers too!) - This is a VERY fun site for both students and parents. There are instructions, lessons, and games for all levels of math. The Algebra section alone has 133 fun lessons. The teacher that developed this site shares how she teaches math and yet makes it enjoyable for everyone involved. She shares her tricks of the trade, Survivor Algebra and rewards chart. This will be one site you’ll come back to over and over again. Cool Math 4 Kids

Fun Learning Activities for Children - Here you will find plenty of fun and practical learning activities and teaching ideas to use as you grow alongside your child.They are intended for you to share with your child so that you can relax and enjoy learning alongside him/her.

Daily homeschool freebies - At Homeschool Freebie, you can get a free idea each day. Just sign up for their service and you will find out on Sunday every week what the freebies are for that week. 

free home school

Free home school websites organized by subject and age . . .

If you want more websites that you can use for homeschooling but don't have the time to gather them all yourself, then check out Internet Resources For Homeschooling and load your copy right to your computer.

You will find a complete and well organized list of over 350 websites that can enhance or replace your homeschool curriculum. Each site is listed, explained and reviewed by a veteran homeschool Mom (me!).

Click here get your copy now.