Christian Homeschool Curriculum

Here is an article about Christian homeschool curriculum. It all comes down to your world view. Read on and view my comments at the end....

christian homeschool curriculum

Christian Homeschooling Curriculum - What Does a Christian Worldview Mean? by Don Rodriguez

You are interested in securing a Christian homeschool curriculum for your child but all the competing schools and textbooks in the marketplace have you confused. How do you sort through the confusion and select the curriculum which is right for you and your child? There are some key factors which should be readily apparent in any Christian based school program. That is, the textbooks and other material ought to have a Christian worldview. What exactly is a Christian worldview?

Simply stated, a Christian worldview is the lens through which people see and interpret the universe, humans, nature, and events. This view is characterized by three primary confessions or predispositions that are indisputable and firmly seared in the minds of those who profess to be and in fact are Christians. God exists and seeks to have a personal relationship with humans is the most fundamental of these beliefs. God is not a projection or a watchmaker or a force. God is real and relational and has knowledge of us and interacts with us and hears us when we pray. God is creator is the second major proposition. All that exists came into being as a result of the creative act of God. If one accepts the theory of evolution, then evolution is part of the creative processes of God. If one accepts the theory of the Big Bang, it was God who caused the Big Bang.

Thirdly, God has acted particularly and most profoundly in history by sending God's son, Jesus Christ into the world to reconcile us to each other and to God. Christians make no apologies for any of these major, bedrock beliefs and see no reason to debate, prove, or minimize them. Each of these confessions must be represented in a curriculum for it to qualify as Christian. God must be seen as active in history and in the lives of humans.

And though it may not be clear to us, God is moving all of creation to a predetermined end known only to God. Thus, there is a purposefulness to our lives and to events in history. This is not to say that everything which happens is God's will for humans can and oftentimes do act contrary to God's will. These principles or worldview must be clear and unequivocal for a curriculum to be considered Christian.

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My Comments: The question "Do I really need a Christian homeschool curriculum?" might come up in your mind. If you are a Christian you should be living out your faith in front of your children. If you read from a Christian homeschool curriculum and then go and lie, cheat and gossip about others, what is your child going to learn from that?

christian homeschool

Do I think we should be reading satanic material to our children? NO, absolutely not, but does all their reading material have to be completely Christian either? I don't think so. Does it need to be wholesome, yes.

If you live out your faith and try to live by what the Bible teaches and you try to teach that to your children, then I don't think you necessarily have to have a completely Christian curriculum.

If you can afford it and feel convicted that is what your family needs, then, by all means, get it. But if you are struggling with thinking that you either can't afford or can't find a Christian curriculum you like, then struggle no further. Get good books along with your Bible and interact, have fun and be real with your children. They will do well and will enjoy the time they get to spend with you.

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