A Slob Comes Clean - An Interview

Almost everyone I know struggles with organization. When I heard of A Slob Comes Clean I was intrigued and thought maybe some of my readers could benefit. Dana White has written 2 ebooks that help people who are completely frustrated with their homes and who don't really connect with the other organizing books on the market. Her advice is helpful for anyone who wants to get more organized and in-control of their home.

slob comes clean

I was able to do an email interview with Dana about how a slob comes clean. Here is the interaction we had:

1. You've written a book about the story of your "deslobification process". How is this book different than the other organizing books out there?

The dirty little secret about most organizing books? They're written by people who love organizing! My brain doesn't work like their brains do. With most of those books, I'm overwhelmed by page three. I wrote this book based upon my own deslobification process, which was slow and deliberate. Most of those books start at the place where I'd be happy to end! This e-book truly starts at the beginning for a person who is completely frustrated with her home.

2. How does your system work?

"Systems" had never worked for me because I got off track and then gave up. I say this isn't a system. It's a breakdown of the absolute basics of what it takes to keep a home under control and running smoothly. With that said, the instructions are very clear. It's not a book of theory.

3. How long has A Slob Comes Clean been around and how did you get started?

I started my blog almost three years ago. I wanted desperately to blog, but couldn't justify letting one more thing take my focus away from my home (which was a total disaster). I believe that God clearly directed/allowed me to create this blog as a way to keep my focus on my home and still have the creative outlet I desired. For a long time, I thought it was my practice blog, but now He has shown me that THIS was the blog He wanted me to write all along!

4. Any advice for homeschoolers who struggle with keeping things organized when there are lots of people at home all day long?

Find routines that work in your home, for your family's unique quirks and personalities. And get rid of stuff! Decluttering is truly the most effective way to make everything in your life more manageable!

Thanks to Dana for answering these questions for me. Less stuff certainly makes it easier to clean but getting rid of it is quite a process for me.

If you would like more information about Dana and her books about how a Slob Comes Clean you can check out 28 Days to Hope for Your Home or Teaching Kids to Clean.

Right now her book Teaching Kids to Clean is just $3.00 or FREE to her facebook fans. Just follow the link for Teaching Kids to Clean and link to the free book from there. I hope this information was helpful to someone.

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