Ohio Virtual Schools

Online schooling with Ohio virtual schools has become more and more popular over the years. Is it the option you should choose for your family? Here are some facts that every parent should know.

If you enroll your child in one of the Ohio virtual schools:

  • Your child will still be considered a public school student in the school district where you attend. If you don't want to support your local school district or don't want your child to be considered a public school student, then you should think twice about enrolling in a virtual school.
  • The program is a full-time accredited online program that is free to Ohio residents.
  • You will receive a computer and printer and will get credit towards your internet connection costs. You will also receive all the books your child will need for the year.
  • You will be assigned a licensed teacher whom you can access for support. You will also be required to report to the teacher at regular intervals throughout the year.
  • If you enroll your child in K12 or OHVA (Ohio Virtual Academy), you child will do a good deal of their schoolwork on the computer.
  • Your child will be required to participate in the same public school testing such as the proficiency test, Ohio Graduation Test, and any others that might be used in the school districts at the time.
  • Your child will be required to attend a certain number of field trips each year at various locations provided by the Ohio virtual schools.
  • If the material is too easy or too hard for your child it will probably be difficult to adjust the curriculum unless you have been assisgned an understanding licensed teacher to work with.

The main concern of homeschoolers over the virtual schools or any other virtual schools across the country is that, if too many people start using these programs, the states might like this fact and require ALL homeschoolers in the state of Ohio to be enrolled in one of these schools.

Mind you, the school districts want to keep as much of their money in their district and if they don't have to deal with your child, but still get the funding for them, then they will lobby and support any politician who can make that happen.

If a parent wants a structured curriculum, they are much better off purchasing a curriculum and then adapting it to their family, rather than get trapped in an online school system with little room for adaptation.

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