Anti Homeschooling

When homeschooling you meet some people that are anti homeschooling. Some are willing to discuss the issues and others are not.

anti homeschooling

Sometimes they have met people that have homeschool children that behave badly or that are lazy and don't do anything all day. They tend to lump all homeschoolers together thinking that we are all the same.

Many people think that homeschooling is too much of a time commitment for the parents or that they are not qualified to teach their children. Parents teach their children how to walk, talk, feed themselves, use the toilet, clean up after themselves, and a whole host of other important tasks. Homeschooling is just an extension of what the parents have already been teaching their children.

Sometimes someone that is anti homeschooling thinks that parents are sheltering their children or are making their children too dependent on their parents. Along with this is the thought that homeschool children do not get enough socialization. Actually there are many ways that homeschool children can find socialization opportunities. Children interact with their parents and siblings all day long. They say that if you can learn to get along with your siblings, you can learn to get along with anyone.

The more homeschool children that you meet, the more you realize how well adjusted socially they really are. They are able to talk to many different types of people from toddlers to senior citizens.

Another argument against homeschooling that some anti homeschooling proponents use is the fact that homeschoolers can't measure their progress or don't have enough ways to measure what they are doing.

Depending on your state, most states have guidelines for homeschoolers where they have to either be tested or assessed at the end of a year. An assessment is done by a certified public school teacher. They look over the student's work for the year. Any good public school teacher can tell if a child has been progressing over the year or if they have been slacking. Homeschool parents want their children to succeed and certainly are not going to let their children go for weeks or months without making some progress.

Many times homeschool parents worry that they are not doing enough and they tend to overplan or have their children cover more material than they would in public school.

It is difficult to homeschool if you have unsupportive family members or come in contact with someone that is anti homeschooling. In the long run, anyone involved with a homeschool student needs to think about what is best for the child. The child's best interest should be the most important thing in anyone's mind. Think about how much a child can learn and benefit by being tutored one-on-one by a caring adult. Homeschooling offers this option to parents and can be very beneficial for the student to have the best learning environment.

On a more positive note, here are some positive things about homeschooling:

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